Recent content by ov3rthink3r7

  1. ov3rthink3r7

    SimpleCrypter [.NET/Native]

    A simple cryptor for .NET/Native files with Injection and obfuscation Features: • Anti-Debug • Anti-VM • StartUp • Melting • Running as Admin DOWNLOAD LINK VIRUSTOTAL
  2. ov3rthink3r7

    Ultimate Combo Tool | Ultra Fast | 12 Features

    This combolist tool offers a wide range of functionalities for managing text files efficiently. It allows users to combine multiple files, split them by lines or size, and randomize lines. It supports sorting lines alphabetically and extracting or removing lines based on keywords. The tool can...
  3. ov3rthink3r7

    Polygot Dork Generator

    [-] What are Dorks Dorks known as Google dorks refers to search syntax which allow users to search within a specific website (using the term in:url) or for specific file types, and can thus be used to search databases. [-] PolyGenerator This is a powerful tool coded in Rust designed to...
  4. ov3rthink3r7

    Cosmic Binder Bind Files Together EXE, JPG, PDF & More

    Features: SLEEP This option determines how many seconds your agent should sleep before executing the main code. SELF-DESTRUCTION If this option checked, your agent will self-destruct after the execution is completed. ANTI-VM This option enables Anti-VM, which means your agent will not work...
  5. ov3rthink3r7

    Veditor Combo Editor | 17 Modules | V1

    VEditor is a powerful commandline utility to work with combolists ------------------------- **** EDITING **** ------------------------- 1 - Lower Case Password 2 - Upper Case Password 3 - E;P -> U;P 4 - U;P -> E;P 5 - Replace Separator 6 - Replace Domain 7 - Domain Filter 8 - E;P, U;P...
  6. ov3rthink3r7

    SqlRay v3.1.0 LTS Sqli Vulnerability Scanner

    SQLRAY V3.1.0 LTS is a powerful SQL injection vulnerability scanner designed for command-line interface (CLI) usage. It's an essential tool for penetration testers, offering proxyless functionality for streamlined scanning. Supporting a wide range of database management systems (DBMS) including...
  7. ov3rthink3r7

    Mailreaper | Inbox Searcher | Bruter | By D3v

    Features • Noob friendly menu • Clean interface • Saves hits to seperate folder with date + time • Proxyless • Captures the amount of emails containing certain keyword inputted {inbox searcher modules} Requirements Install .NET 6.0 Runtime DOWNLOAD LINK Virustotal
  8. ov3rthink3r7

    XDumpGO v1.5 - Fastest SQL injection based dumper

    XDumpGO v1.5 - Fastest SQL injection based dumper | By Zertex ⭐ ================================== Features -Dork Generator -Dork Parsing -Injection Testing -Dumping -And More.... ================================== DOWNLOAD LINK Virustotal
  9. ov3rthink3r7

    SilverBullet v1.1.4

    SilverBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. IMPORTANT! Performing (D)DoS...
  10. ov3rthink3r7

    Quantum Lnk Builder 2024 [Cracked]

    Overview The new and improved QuantumBuilder will make your payload look like any file format (.png, .mp4, .doc, ...), just like our other project, but you will be also able to send the plain .url without using .Zips and even attach it to Gmail with no Chrome warnings. Also any file can now be...
  11. ov3rthink3r7 Checker by Franklin

    Features [x] Proxyless [x] Fast [x] MultiThreading [x] Full Capture Log Format [email protected]:12345 ---------------------------------- Used Quota : 0/20 GB ---------------------------------- |- [File] Welcome to MEGA.pdf - 975198 bytes - 10/19/2023 1:01:35 PM Requirements .NET 8.0 Desktop...
  12. ov3rthink3r7

    XWorm v5.6 [cracked]

    🔆 New Features : ✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC] ✅ Run HVNC In Memory ✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC] ✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager] ✅ Vulnerability Fixed ✅ Support All Systems ✅ Change Group Name ✅ Multi screen support ✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method ✅ You can...
  13. ov3rthink3r7

    BLTools 2.9 PRO

    Update v2.9 -Added a check for the cost of Steam inventory -Added sorting of accounts with Knives and Gloves. (Steam) -Added a check for active sale lots (Steam) -Fixed the Community Ban, VAC Ban check (now displays the game name) (Steam) -Added a check for Prime CS2 (Steam) -Updated...
  14. ov3rthink3r7

    BLTools 2.8.3

    Best Log Checker Utility Updates -Fix for utilities with crash when loading logs -Added a knockback in Telegram when the work is finished or when you press STOP. (To configure this option, you need to create a bot in Telegram, get its Token and also find out the recipient's account ID in...
  15. ov3rthink3r7

    SilverBulletPro 1.5.5

    SilverBulletPro 1.5.5 ❓ What is the SilverBulletPro?: It's a paid, highly optimized and enhanced version of the SilverBullet (OB-based) with a noob-friendly UI and faster in action than other mod releases! ℹ️ Changes log: 🆕 Added an ability to set your desired icon on your config and...