1. Original Content Only

All resources must be created or legally owned by the poster. Sharing pirated, illegal, or unauthorized content is strictly prohibited. Ensure no plagiarized content is posted, and give proper credit when necessary.

2. Quality and Relevance

Resources should be useful, high-quality, and relevant to the category you're posting in. Make sure your resources are complete and functional with any necessary documentation or instructions.

3. File Formats

Only upload allowed file formats (e.g., ZIP, RAR, PDF). Ensure all files are virus-free and safe for download.

4. Clear Descriptions

Provide a detailed description of the resource, including its purpose, how to use it, and any necessary requirements. Include screenshots or videos if they help explain your resource.

5. No Duplicate Posts

Do not post the same resource multiple times. Update the original post if there are new versions or improvements.

6. Resource Updates

Keep your resources up to date and notify users of any major changes or improvements.

7. Free Sharing

All resources posted by users must be available for free to all members. Any attempts to charge for resources in this section will result in removal.

8. No Third-Party Resources

Do not post resources from third-party sites or services without permission or in violation of their terms of use.

9. Respectful Conduct

Be respectful in discussions around shared resources. Harassment, trolling, or hate speech is not allowed.

10. Reporting Violations

Users are encouraged to report any posts that violate these rules. Violations may lead to the removal of the post and potential disciplinary actions.

11. Consequences of Violations

Breaking any of these rules can result in warnings, removal of the resource, or suspension of your account, depending on the severity of the violation.
