1. devilx

    Google+Bing Dork Searcher by Xmos & SB 2023-10-12

    <------------------------------------------------> LEAVE A LIKE FOR SUPPORT 💝 <------------------------------------------------> google dorking google dorking commands google dorks cheat sheet google dork list google dorks list 2021 google dorks pdf google dorks app google dorks commands pdf...
  2. devilx

    Google Dork Searcher v1.0 + Vuln Checker by Bazinga 1.0

    👨‍💻 Coder: russianPlug <-------------------------------------------------------------- 📝Description: Google Dorks Searcher Fast and Clean URL Vulnerable checker ✏️How to use? Put Proxies [SOCKS4] & Dorks in the respective files Then launch the tool EZZZ...