
  1. devilx

    34 sites for hacking practice

    Good morning everyone, in touch Pavluu. I bring to your attention a selection of sites for the practice of hacking. We have collected the most famous projects here. 1. bWAPP bWAPP stands for Buggy Web Application. This resource is open source specifically to show what an unsafe web resource...
  2. Poison_tools

    GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) Practice Exam [OCT 2023]

    GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) Practice Exam [OCT 2023] 300 high-quality practice test questions written from scratch with detailed explanations included! - Updated [OCT 2023] Description New and Exclusive Preparation Course to test your knowledge and help you passing your real GIAC Security...
  3. devilx

    Method/TUT Nmap for Ethical Hacking: Develop Network Security Skills

    My complete Nmap course is the best Ethical Hacking course. To learn network security & become an expert at Nmap, enroll What you'll learn Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network. In...