
Staff member
Jul 4, 2023
Hello people,

This is top rated seller of chipso EMV - Best top rated emv software - You can check our work on Search : Revolution software.
Brian talks about it.

Chipso EMV!

You can use any writer ez100pu ACR 83 ACR92 omnikey 3121 or NONUS You only NEED T2/ (versions latest that are now being used now maybe can work with others new coming ones) and it work on all pos models ..when ask pin you insert any 4 digits sample 0000. The buyer will be provided couple of banks which worked and tested on it cause at is it seems it does not work with all banks)

JCOP: is related to java programming.
this will be cards to write 201s on it.

Anyways - the important is Java card.
This software works with java cards work with static EMV security not with dynamic. the software was like impossible to do it ! but its done.
Static means the t2 remains the same every transaction.

the good news is that USA is shifting to EMV.
The thing to add is that i will provide from alot of banks that uses static some of them that has been tested on it after purchase. imagine how many banks using STATIC!
Seller of 201s will go far in business.

- Insert your chip card and type any pin (0000) is something very good many countries have EMV to implement it. but you can also force pos to read it.

it works on all models. is not only for them but has been tested on verifones
approx many models will work the important is bank EMV static or dynamic. but u can't know since you don't test the bank dumps bins.

There is no public soft to write data bank on chip man keep in mind!! But the readers are Many but for other purpose, those readers are not only for banking. keep in mind WORK 100% with static emv.

- IF the bin tried on pos is working on pos with random pin then u can clone the t2 on card and withdraw from ATM but you will need original Pin.
- If you have original card of you that handles the same chip model of jacop then u can use your original card to clone on it.

IT Works by getting the 37 character net dump from best :

- mini123 Configured to get good track.
- offline pos skimmer T2 is the best of the best ALSO! WILL BE BEST!

The most important part is the decoding of the dump need to be decoded if skimmed raw data to give 37 character.

Now it will be new software with more approved bins + working on ATM!!

It handles my name " Chipso Soccorio" Own made English version

- Chipso soccorio :

-support ARQC dynamic bins
-cryptogram bank keys
-Global platform communicate with pos to make approval

support j2a j3a 40 80k new generation cards - chip
j.2.x.x all versions
jacop21 - jacop21 36k
j3a080, j3a040
j2a080, j2a040,

- the software have 3 algorithms (algos)
-support more then 1000+ scripts
-You can use random pin on pos - when u insert card and ask for pin u can put 0000 1234 4565 1111 2222
- You can withdraw from atm with original pin only , skimmed
- works with original bank card if your card support same chip model
- 8/15/2023 upgraded software - scripts , algos, logr,arqc communication

the software comes in liscences installed on 1 pc , with 2 keys protection, hadrware protected
the software can not be re-sold or copied or moved

Attention : You can clone 201 221 206 226 212 220