A GUI with panels and a long list of options that allow pentesters to quickly find and exploit attack vectors on hosts.
It has the function of automatically saving project results and tasks in real time.
Legion also provides services such as Automatic Recon and Scanning with NMAP, whataweb, sslyzer, Vulners, webslayer, SMBenum, dirbuster, nikto, Hydra and nearly 100 auto-scheduled scripts are added.
Legion Tool’s modular feature allows users to easily customize Legion.
Automatic detection of CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures and CPEs (Common Platform Enumeration).
Notable changes from the Sparta tool:
The Legion Scanner tool provides task completion estimates.
Removal of deprecated and unmaintained libraries was done as Legion is refactored from Python 2.7 to Python 3.6.
Support for hostname resolution.
Legion Scanner revises queued processes and startup routines to improve application reliability and performance.
Legion has real-time automatic saving of project tasks and results.
Scan hosts vhosts/sni.
Legion is supported by a highly active development team.