1. devilx

    .SVB OpenBullet M2 Pro L 2023-10-13

    Versione modificata di Openbullet con molte più funzioni in edizione Light , Nessun Malware, nessuna schifezza , Software originale condiviso dall' autore. Questa nuova Versione Consente di Creare Configurazioni Crittografate non modificabili in modo da proteggere il vostro codice da uso non...
  2. devilx

    .SVB OPENBULLET Original - Github [Loli(x) Version] 2023-10-13

  3. devilx

    .SVB Dr.Max Multi Email Validator [PayPal - Netflix - Apple - Amazon - Bounce - Office] 2023-10-13

    👨‍💻 Coder: Dr.Max <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 📝Description: Dr.Max Checkers [ Free - Fast - Clean ] 100% User : Dr.Max 1 - Paypal Valid Emails 2 - Netflix Valid Emails 3 - Apple Valid Emails 4 - Amazon Valid Emails 5 - Bounce...
  4. devilx

    .SVB Number Lookup - Get Valid Phone Number Leads [Carrier+Country] 2023-10-13

    👨‍💻 Coder: [+] Coded by : @Golden_Bullet69 <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 📝Description: [+] Tool : NumLookup [+] Combo : Numbers [+] Proxy : Proxyless [+] Bots : No Need [+] API : No [+] Capture : Geolocation and Carrier [+] Autosave ...
  5. devilx

    Dumper SQLi Dumper V10.2 By Angeal 2023-10-13

    SQLi Dumper SQLi Dumper tool is a very powerful windows tool to automate the process of Detection and Exploitation of SQL Injection vulnerabilities. SQLi Dumper tool will do everything for you from detection or identification of vulnerability to Exploitation of vulnerability automatically. SQLI...