
Staff member
Jul 4, 2023
☢ The Voiden Blockchain Exploit (Double Your BTC) {Leaked 15/01/16} ☢

Hello all,, some of you might know me from the cryptocurrency forums.

Until very recently I was working for a company that will remain unnamed (for now) that's working on yet another alternative cryptocurrency (not BTC)
In our research our main goal as a team was to find a way to make the traditional block-chain model capable of having
a dispute or complaint system, essentially we were looking for a way to have reversible crypto payments whilst being anonymous.
Long story short we stumbled upon a rather odd address that we can only assume was a testing address for the early days of Bitcoin.
We found that when you sent 0.01 to 0.1 BTC through the address, about 120 minutes later you'd receive double what you sent.

We couldn’t understand why this was happening, we followed our change through the blockchain, but it was no help.
So basically, we abused this exploit, at first it was confined to just our team, but then it snowballed and the whole office started doing it.
Then one day our boss must of found out because he fired 3 of us without any forewarning, completely out of the blue.

I've decided to release this exploit, to sit back and watch the company in question reaction.. I've still got friends on the inside.
Lets see if any-more heads will roll for a human mistake with no downside.

I've also decided to name this “The Voiden Blockchain Exploit” as releasing to the public will be my legacy to this community
I don't want an apology, I want retribution for losing a job that meant alot to me, for something anyone would do.


New member
Aug 2, 2024
Вступая в клуб путешественников, вы открываете для себя уникальную возможность исследовать мир с помощью парусника. Этот клуб объединяет людей, которые ценят свободу, приключения и близость к природе. Каждое путешествие — это не просто переход с одного порта в другой, это шанс ощутить ветер в волосах, запах моря и бескрайние горизонты. Члены клуба участвуют в регатах, освоении навыков управления парусником и, конечно, в создании дружеских связей с единомышленниками фрегат с парусами