Hack your neighbor's WIFI with only your Phone ??


Staff member
Jul 4, 2023
Proceed only if your device falls under either of the below categories. Otherwise, it is waste of time and energy. For better results use Cyanogen ROM.
Android Device should be rooted.
Android Device should support bcmon App (i.e should have Broadcom bcm4329/4330 wifi chipset. [OR]
[Update] Now ‘non bcmon supported devices’ & ‘devices which support external WiFi cards’ can also be used to hack WiFi.
Tools Used:
bcmon app[apk] -This tool enables Monitor Mode on your rooted device with Broadcom chipset, which is essential for hacking WiFi using android. Download
Reaver for Android or RfA – A WiFi pentesting tool which can be used to attack WPS-enabled routers and after the WPS-Pin is cracked, it can retrieve the actual WPA-key.
Hacking WPA/WPA2 (WPS Enabled) WiFi using Android [bcmon supported devices]
Download and install the bcmon app.
Run bcmon. It may crash at first but keep trying. If it still crashes after 3-4 attempts the device may not be supported.
Install the firmware and tools, as prompted. Click on ‘enable monitor mode‘.
Download and install Reaver and run it.
Reaver will scan for the available access point. Remember it can hack only WPS enabled WiFi. Make sure Monitor Mode’ is turned on. Make sure that the “Automatic advanced settings” box is checked.
Choose the network to hack and tap “Start Attack“. It will take between 2-10 hours to hack. And sometimes it will never e successful depending on the router type.
Hacking WEP type WiFi Using Android Phone
WEP is an outdated, weak protweak protocolto secure WiFi and it is no more preferred because it can be hacked within seconds. However due to lack of awareness it is still used across the world. Below instructions explain how you can use you android device to hack a WEP protected WiFi network.
bcmon app is used here also. So download and install it as told above
Tap “Run bcmon terminal“. This will launch a terminal similar to most Linux terminals.
Type airodump-ng and tap the Enter button. In the newly opened window type airodump-ng wlan0 and tap the Enter button.
Open reaver and note down the WiFi (Access point) name, Mac Address and the broadcasting channel of the WiFi which you want to hack. Make sure it is WEP.
Now we can start scanning the target WiFi and collect packets. Type the following
airodump-ng -c channe –bssid MAC address -w outputfile ath0
Note: channe = broadcasting channel, MAC address = Mac Address of the router which you already noted down. -w is for specifying the output file name. I have given outputfile in the example. So the complete command look similar to this.
airodump-ng -c 9 –bssid 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 -w outputfile ath0
Continue scanning untill it collects 20,000-30,000 packets.
Once enough packets are collected return to the terminal and type aircrack-ng outputfile*.cap and tap Enter. Aircrack program will attempt to crack the WiFi password from the extracted packets.
It might take hours to crack. Finally a message Key Found! will appear, followed by the key in hexadecimal form. Key will work only if Probability” is 100%.